Constitution of the South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of the organization shall be:

(1) To encourage and stimulate greater interest in mathematics and its applications;
(2) To encourage and provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and materials related to the instruction of mathematics;
(3) To further the cooperative study of problems related to the teaching of mathematics at all levels; and
(4) To work for the improvement of mathematics instruction at all levels of education.

Article III. Membership

Membership shall be open to all persons interested in the purposes of this organization.

Article IV. Officers

Section 1. The officers shall be President, President-elect, the immediate Past-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President for Elementary Teachers, Vice-President for Middle School Teachers, Vice-President for High School Teachers, Vice President for Post-Secondary Teachers, Vice-President at Large, and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Representative.

Section 2. The Executive Board shall be composed of all elected officers and representatives from the South Carolina State Department of Education. The voting members of the Executive Board shall be all officers listed in Article IV, Section 1. The representatives from the South Carolina State Department of Education, as chosen by the board, shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the Executive Board. A Government Relations representative shall be appointed by the Executive Board to serve a term of two years, renewable once and will serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board. Six voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

Article V. Meetings

There will be at least three (3) Executive Board meetings per year. The annual business meeting will be held once a year at the annual conference.

Article VI. Amendments

This constitution may be amended at the annual business meeting of the Council by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that written notice of any proposed change has been given to the membership not less than ten (10) days in advance of said meeting and provided a quorum is present. The members present at any duly announced meeting of the organization shall constitute a quorum for transacting business of the organization.

Article VII. By-Laws

The Executive Board shall have the power to form the organization’s by-laws.

Article VIII. Dissolution Clause

If, at any time, the South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics shall cease to carry out the purposes as herein stated, all assets and property held by it, whether in trust or otherwise, shall, after the payment of its liabilities, be paid over to an organization, selected by the final Executive Board, which has similar purposes and has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as now enacted or as it may hereafter be amended, and such assets and property shall be applied exclusively for such charitable, scientific, and educational programs.


Article I. Duties of Officers and Executive Board

Section 1. The President shall:

a. preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board; set the agenda for the meetings and notify members as appropriate;
b. appoint all necessary committees not provided for by the constitution or by-laws;
c. carry out the expressed wishes of the organization in its regular and special meetings;
d. authorize the payment of all legitimate bills of the organization; and
e. serve as the Site Chair for the annual conference.

Section 2. The President-elect shall:

a. assist the President in carrying out the work of the organization;
b. preside at all official meetings and functions of the organization in the absence of
the President;
c. work with the President to negotiate contracts for the site of a future annual state conference;
d. work with the President and Past-President on the site and program for the annual conference and serve as a member of the Program Committee;
e. work with the Past-President to update the Executive Board Handbook; and
f. coordinate all activities related to the SCCTM Advisory Assembly.

Section 3. The Past-President shall:

a. serve as Chairman of the Program Committee for the annual conference;
b. work closely with the President and the President-elect in an advisory capacity;
c. chair the Professional Development Grant Committee; and
d. update the Executive Board Handbook annually, after the Fall Conference.

Section 4. The Secretary shall:

a. keep minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Board and distribute copies to members of the Executive Board within 30 days following the meeting;
b. preserve all records and documents and transfer them to his successor within 30 days following the termination of office; and
c. serve as the organization’s historian.

Section 5. The Treasurer shall:

a. work with the database manager to provide for the collection of all membership dues and any registration fees authorized by the Executive Board; 
b. pay all bills that have been duly authorized by the President;
c. keep an accurate record of all monies received and paid out; coordinate an annual external audit of the financial records in conjunction with the filing of the Federal Income Tax Return by a professional accountant not related by blood or marriage to any member of the Executive Board;
d. submit a proposed annual budget at the last Executive Board meeting of the preceding fiscal year;
e. make a financial report at the annual meeting whenever called upon by the President; and
f. preserve the financial records of the organization and transfer them to his successor by December 31 of the calendar year in which the term of office ends.

Section 6. The Vice-President for Elementary Teachers shall:

a. represent the elementary teachers of the organization on the Executive Board; and
b. serve as a member of the Program Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Grants Committee.

Section 7. The Vice-President for Middle School Teachers shall:

a. represent the middle school teachers of the organization on the Executive Board;
b. serve as a member of the Program Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Grants Committee;
c. serve as the liaison to the state MathCounts competition;
d. represent SCCTM at the South Carolina Middle School Association Conference (In the event that both meetings occur at the same time, the President shall appoint a substitute to fulfill one of these duties.); and
e. coordinate awards and recognition of winners at the regional science fairs.

Section 8. The Vice-President for Secondary Teachers shall:

a. represent the high school teachers of the organization on the Executive Board;
b. serve as a member of the Program Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Grants Committee;
c. represent the organization at the South Carolina Junior Academy of Science awards ceremony and present the mathematics award; and
d. coordinate awards and recognition of winners at the regional science fairs.

Section 9. The Vice-President for Post-Secondary Teachers shall:

a. represent the post-secondary teachers of the organization on the Executive Board;
b. serve as a member of the Program Committee, the Publications Committee, and the Grants Committee; and
c. send correspondence concerning the organization’s scholarships to the mathematics and education departments at all South Carolina colleges and universities.

Section 10. The Vice-President At Large shall:

a. represent the memberships of the organization on the Executive Board;
b. serve as a member of the Program Committee and the Grants Committee; and
c. serve as chair of the Publications Committee.

Section 11. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Representative shall:

a. keep informed of the activities of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and bring pertinent information to the attention of the organization;
b. encourage membership in the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics;
c. serve as principal delegate of the organization to the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; and
d. organize and manage the NCTM and SCCTM booth at the annual conference.

Section 12. The Government Relations Representative shall:

a. keep informed of governmental and legislative issues related to mathematics education at the state and national level and bring pertinent information to the attention of the organization.

Section 13. The State Department of Education Representatives shall:

a. serve as liaisons between the organization and the South Carolina State Department of Education; and
b. work closely with all board members in an advisory capacity.

Section 14. A Database Manager shall be employed by the Executive Board to:

a. perform duties as outlined in a contract; and
b. attend Executive Board meetings as requested.

Section 15. An Editor of the organization’s journal, The MathMate. shall be employed by the Executive Board to:

a. perform duties as outlined in a contract; and
b. attend Executive Board meetings as requested.

Section 16. The Executive Board shall:

a. meet annually to plan the year’s program and adopt the budget for the year;
b. select the Nominating Committee;
c. name an alternate delegate to the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics;
d. negotiate the contract for the organization’s Database Manager;
e. negotiate the contract for the Editor of the organization’s journal, The MathMate;
f. establish various types of memberships in the organization and designate the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of such memberships; and
g. perform other duties as assigned.

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South Carolina Council of Teachers of Mathematics

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